Genn and Millie
A Gen-X and a Millennial share the strengths based lens through which they see the world.
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Week 48
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
In Week 48, Genn and Millie discuss their 5 year old self, ways to be courageous in aiming their strengths, and how they find rest. They also share some of their takeaways from the TeamMates Annual Conference.
Follow Up:
-What message or encouragement would you share with your 5-year-old self? Which of your strengths were evident in you at 5-years-old?
-Which of your strengths could you bravely aim this week? How would you go about aiming them?
-What does rejuvenation look like for you given your strengths and season of life?
-If you attended the 2019 TeamMates Annual Conference, what is your #1 takeaway?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Week 47 Part 2
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
In Week 47, Genn and Millie compare and contrast Strengths and the Enneagram. In this episode, Part 2, they give concrete examples of Ennegram types compared to CliftonStrengths Themes.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Week 47 Part 1
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
In Week 47, Genn and Millie compare and contrast Strengths and the Enneagram. In this episode, Part 1, they give an intro of the Enneagram framework.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Week 46
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
In Week 46, Genn and Millie talk aging. They share their approaches to the trending FaceApp and their overall view of the aging process.
Follow Up:
-If you were to define yourself as a spice in your spice rack, what would you choose and why?
-Have you tried the age filter on the face app? What was your reaction to your aged photo?
-What is your overall orientation towards aging? Is it positive or negative? Do you fight aging or embrace it? How do you believe your strengths and generation play into this?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Week 45
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
Tuesday Jul 02, 2019
In Week 45, Genn and Millie pause in the midst of this busy season to create space for meaningful conversation. They discuss purpose, values, and life changes.
Follow Up:
-When is the last time you wrote a letter to someone? Hand write a letter or note to someone. Share with us your experiences of hand written letters.
-What is your 'why'? How would you define your life's purpose? What is the #1 value that guides your decisions around your 'why'?
-What is something you can stop doing in your life in order to create margin?
-What are three things you are moving towards in your life right now? And what are three things you are moving away from?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Week 44
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
In Week 44, Genn and Millie sit down with Shaun Edgecombe, a strengths coach, BP10 builder, a Gen Z-er, and Ally's son. We talk with Shaun about his strengths, the CliftonStrengths Institute at UNL, the BP10 instrument, and life in Generation Z. We also bear witness to the multitude of stories and the gift of storytelling present in their family.
Follow Up:
-Put your strengths spotting to practice! Spot Shaun's strengths in our conversation. His top 5 are: Competition, Context, Deliberative, Individualization, and Analytical.
-Have a conversation with someone from Generation Z. Ask them what assumptions our generations make about theirs and what they wish the other generations recognized. Let us know what you've learned!
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Week 43
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
Thursday Jun 13, 2019
In Week 43, Genn and Millie recap and expand on their previous conversation regarding travel and strengths. They also share their learning and take-aways from the 2019 CliftonStrengths Summit.
Follow Up:
-What is your favorite amazon feature or button? How do your strengths inform this?
-Would you rather be the person that plans a surprise vacation for someone or the person that receives the surprise vacation? Which strengths play into this preference?
-What is your presenting style based on your top 5 or dominant domain? How do your strengths help you in presenting? How do your strengths play into the fault lines of your presenting style?
-What story does your top five tell us about who you are?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at or Ally at .
Friday May 31, 2019
Week 42
Friday May 31, 2019
Friday May 31, 2019
In Week 42, Genn and Millie talk about how their strengths and generations impact their ability to memorize things, interests and media consumption, vacation planning, and life limitations. They also play a word association game.
Follow Up:
-What is your 'generation call-back'? Which generation do you often call back to and how?
-What words would you like us to ask each other in a word association game? Send them to us!
-What has been your favorite vacation or what would be your ideal vacation? How do your strengths impact your notion of a great vacation?
-What are the life-limiting narratives in your life? What is preventing you from experiencing fun and reclaiming your Mondays? Try shedding these self imposed limitations and infusing some adventure into your life.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at or Ally at .
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Week 41
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
In Week 41, this is us. The duo. The pairing. Genn and Millie. We're honest that we do not plan our content each week, so here's a real-life example of a the reality of the spontaneity of our conversations. It's a bit scattered and clustered, but it's us. We talk about exercise, life goals, trauma and resiliency, and a growth cycle to help with personal change.
Follow Up:
-What are your favorite pairings? (people, food, others)
-What are assumptions people make about you, your strengths, or your generation?
-Try utilizing the cycle for growth we discussed: make inferences based on your behavior, make a meaningful change, and then reflect on the change.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Friday May 10, 2019
Week 40
Friday May 10, 2019
Friday May 10, 2019
In Week 40, Genn and Millie discuss failure and resiliency. They discuss their own childhood experiences in relation to their ideas of failure. They also share some practical tips for building resiliency including being aware of your community, reclaiming Mondays, and finding the second right answer.
Follow Up:
-What does failure look like to you? How do your personal experiences of trauma, failure, etc. play into your sense of failure?
-What are the internal and external factors that contribute to your own form of resiliency?
-How can you 'reclaim your Mondays'? What can you do to make Mondays more like Fridays?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Week 39
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
Tuesday Apr 30, 2019
In Week 39, Genn and Millie share their first encounters with the open road as young drivers. They explain the difference in their training, testing, rules, and motivations to become a driver. They dive into the trends recently about the youngest generation and their caution regarding getting their driver's license. Their conversation on driving leads to diving into what risk and rebellion looks like based on strengths.
Follow Up:
-When did you start driving? Did you see driving as a privilege? What was your first vehicle? What was your willingness to bend the rules of the road as a young driver?
-What do you define as "risk"? Name the most risky thing you have done in the last year of life. What were the circumstances around the risky situation? What strengths and generational motivations might be playing into this definition of risk.
-What does your unique form of rebellion look like? How does that play into your strengths?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Week 38
Friday Apr 12, 2019
Friday Apr 12, 2019
In Week 38, Genn and Millie discuss the recent TeamMates office location move. They discuss their respective strengths in the midst of this massive transition. They also share about the recent conversation of allocating an Office (T.V. Show) character to each TeamMates office staff.
Follow Up:
-What has been a recent transition for you (a move, marriage, retirement, job change, etc.)? How have your strengths functioned before, during, and after the transition?
-Which character from The Office do you believe goes with each of the TeamMates staff members? Which Office character do you associate yourself with?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at