Genn and Millie
A Gen-X and a Millennial share the strengths based lens through which they see the world.
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Week 60
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
In Week 60, Genn and Millie discuss expectations along generational lines. They talk about what prevents them from taking risks and why we don't celebrate more.
Follow Up:
-What prevents you from taking risk? Is there something in your life that you have felt called to step out on, but have been unwilling to take the risk? What is one step you could take towards that calling today?
-How do you celebrate? How do you best like to be celebrated? How do you celebrate others?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Week 59
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
In Week 59, Genn and Millie share feedback from last episode's prompt, '7 pieces of you'. They also share the most random job they've ever held.
Follow Up:
-Write and send us your "7 pieces of you" (7 details about who you are).
-Share the most random job you've ever had (bonus points if you can find a picture!).
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Week 58
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
In Week 58, Genn and Millie share their words of the year with each other.
Follow Up:
-What is your word of the year? What will be different if you live the next year demonstrating this word? (WYLD Leadership)
-Write and send us your "7 pieces of you" (7 details about who you are).
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Week 57
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
In Week 57, Genn and Millie talk about the decline of the family Christmas letter. They discuss the need for a balance between rest and rhythm. They also share about areas of growth in their life over the past year- both in what they have done and how they have changed.
Follow Up:
-Share your moments of growth in 'doing' (what you've done/accomplished) and 'being' (how you've grown/changed) this year?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Week 56
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
In Week 56, Genn and Millie discuss the holidays. They share a bit about how holidays have changed respectively over the course of their lifetimes. They also work through the cultural expectation of consumerism at this point in the year, and discuss ways to be more intentional and present.
Follow Up:
-How have holidays changed over the course of your lifetime? Do you believe this change is due to generational shifting, a natural change of relationships, or something else?
-How are you taking care of yourself in the midst of the busy holiday season? What nourishes your soul?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Week 55
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
In Week 55, Genn and Millie reflect on their recent strengths day at Freeman Public Schools. They do a deeper dive into the theme of Individualization, a strength they need practice in spotting. They discuss a bit about changing technology social media.
Follow Up:
-How do you give gifts to others in relationship to your strengths and your love languages (acts of service, gift giving, words of affirmation, quality time, or physical touch)?
-What is a strength in your top 5 that you need practice spotting?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Week 54
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
In Week 54, Genn and Millie discuss times of difficulty in life. They share about being in times of a 'gap' between where they are and where they hope to be. They discuss seasons of life and change along with different ways to cope through it. This is an episode where they practice vulnerability.
Follow Up:
-How do you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be? What practices help you to live in gratitude amidst difficult times?
-As we close the decade, reflect on your successes and accomplishments. Then, share them with someone!
-Do you create a word of intention or resolution for the new year? How do you go about finding your word?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Week 53
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
In Week 53, Genn and Millie discuss how strengths change with new adventures and seasons. They strengths spot each other and spend time in meaningful conversation.
Follow Up:
-Think about a recent new adventure you have embarked on. How have your strengths changed or adjusted amidst this newness?
-Spend time reaching out and recognizing the mentors in your life.
-Make space for a meaningful conversation in your life this week.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Week 52
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
In Week 52, Genn and Millie discuss the origin and impact of Gallup Strengths and Strength based mentoring. They share questions they recently received and discuss the power of remembering your WHY.
Follow Up:
-Share your strengths impact stories. How has learning your strengths impacted your mentoring match, your job, your engagement, your relationships, etc?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Week 51
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
In Week 51, Genn and Millie recap 2019 Strengths Day and discuss the complementary partnerships in their lives. They also share their favorite spirit day and homecoming themes growing up.
Follow Up:
-What was your favorite spirit day theme? What was the worst/best homecoming theme you had?
-Send us your feedback from strengths day. What did you like? What could be improved upon?
-Think about the partnerships in your life. Of your successful partnerships, what makes them work well? Of your difficult partnerships, what makes them difficult?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Week 50
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
In Week 50, Genn and Millie celebrate being 50! They share some of their favorite topics so far from their conversations together as well as 'lessons learned'.
Follow Up:
-If you have had the opportunity to reach 50 years in life, how did you celebrate and recognize this milestone?
-Which of the topics we've discussed on Genn and Millie has been your favorite so far and why?
-How do you practice your best self?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Week 49
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
In Week 49, Genn and Millie catch up on recent vacations and accomplished goals. They walk through an activity called the "DBT House".
Follow Up:
-How should we celebrate the big 5-0? Give us ideas for how to celebrate our 50th episode!
-Create your own DBT House (Credit to Presenter Louise El Yaafouri). Draw a house with a roof, door, windows, a chimney, and a billboard next to it. On the foundation, write the values that govern your life. On the walls, write anyone or anything that supports you. On the roof, write people or things that protect you. On the door, write or symbol things you keep hidden from others. On the chimney, write the ways you blow off steam or reduce stress. On the billboard, write something you are proud of that you want others to see. On the window, write a goal, vision, or dream you have for the future.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie or reach out to Tess at