Genn and Millie
A Gen-X and a Millennial share the strengths based lens through which they see the world.

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Week 111
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
In Week 111, Genn and Millie have a lighter conversation strengths spotting fictional characters.
Follow Up:
-Name a fictional character you like and identify their strengths!
-Strengths spot the people around you- be it someone you just met or someone you've known for a long time.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Week 110
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
In Week 110, Genn and Millie discuss assumptions at various levels - individual, interpersonal, group, and societal.
Follow Up:
-If someone had an assumption about you, how would you want them to ask you about it?
-If you were answering the question, "what do you want to be when you grow up" now, how would you respond knowing what you know about the world?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Week 109
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
In Week 109, Genn and Millie follow up on their conversation from last week by reflecting on departure and closures.
Follow Up:
-What questions did this conversation spark for you?
-What topics would you like us to discuss in this space moving forward?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Week 108
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In Week 108, Genn and Millie discuss their respective seasons of departure.
Follow Up:
-Make a list of everything you learned from the place you departed.
-Make a list of everything you are proud of from the place you departed.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Week 107
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
In Week 107, Genn and Millie discuss imposter syndrome.
Follow Up:
-Assess your own relationship to imposter syndrome: Where have you felt it lately? Do you feel it stronger in certain roles compared to others?
-Which of your strengths feed your imposter syndrome?
-Understanding what "success" looks like can be an antidote to imposter syndrome. For roles where this isn't clearly defined, take some time to create measurements and goals for yourself. Then work to match your energy and behavior to these goals.
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Week 106
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
In Week 106, Genn and Millie answer one of the questions posed in the last episode, "what got you to today?"
Follow Up:
-Spend time answering and reflecting on the following question: What got you to today? In answering this question, what did you include? What did you not include?
-What is something you wish people said to you more often?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Week 105
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
In Week 105, Genn and Millie discuss the relativity of truth. They discuss what truth is, how they establish credibility based on their strengths, and the reality of the inner critic.
Follow Up:
- What is truth to you? How do you define it? What evidence to you look to first for credibility?
- Take steps to silence your inner critic. Believe the compliments you receive. Name the inner critic to silence them.
-Spend time answering the following question: What got you to today?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Week 104
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
In Week 104, Genn and Millie reflect on the past year and look forward to the new year.
Follow Up:
- Reflect: What have been the high points of the year? What have been the low points of the year? What are the lessons learned?
- Transition: What do you want to leave behind in 2022? What do you want to take with you into 2023?
-Look Ahead: Do you have a word, intention, or goal for the coming year?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Week 103
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
In Week 103, Genn and Millie are joined by special guest Hannah Miller to discuss leadership, strengths development, and complimentary partnerships.
Follow Up:
- Which of your strengths have you been neglecting?
- Reflect upon a really good day in your life. How did your strengths show up that day? What could you do to have more days like that?
- What strength do you want to be known for?
- In times of conflict, consider the other person's strengths. Which of their strengths are not being utilized? Which of their strengths might be getting in the way?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Week 102
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
In Week 102, Genn and Millie discuss feedback and the importance of evaluating the source of feedback.
Follow Up:
- Reconnect with those whose feedback matters most to you. Ask them to reflect on how you are showing up in the world lately. Utilize some of Ally's 360 questions as a guide.
-Evaluate the feedback in your life. Use the board of directors activity (linked below) or the circles of trust activity to understand the relative importance of the relationships in your life. Whose feedback do you need more of? Whose do you need to place less importance on?
Board of Directors activity: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Week 101
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
In Week 101, Genn and Millie talk about reading strengths reports. They share about a particularly important report they recently read.
Follow Up:
- What questions do you all have for Ryan?
- What questions do you all have for Tess?
- What advice do you have for them?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie

Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Week 100
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
In Week 100, Genn and Millie express their gratitude for reaching this incredible episode milestone! You also get to hear voices of listeners who reflect on the podcast.
Follow Up:
- Express gratitude for your relationships. Who in your life are you grateful for? Tell them that.
- Where is one space in your life where you can be more intentional about meaningful conversation?
- Any recommendations for future conversation topics on Genn and Millie?
- If Genn and Millie were to ever have sponsors, who would they be?
For information regarding the topic discussed or for resources mentioned in the podcast, follow us on Instagram @GennandMillie